Page 14 - Poland. The CEE’s Regional Leader. Six good reasons for investors to choose Poland
P. 14

Until now, under the EU’s Cohesion Policy,

                                          in 2014-2020 Poland received EUR 86 billion                                                                                                As the biggest beneficiary of the Cohesion Policy, Poland can
                                                                                                                                                                                     also count on support in the times of the Coronavirus crisis. The
                                          and, in 2007-2013, we received EUR 67 billion.

                                                                                                                                                                                     largest EUR 7.4 billion pool of funds                                                           EU initiative

                                          At that time EU funds were provided to areas for work related to the                                                                       valued at a total of EUR                                                        aimed at mitigating

                                          environment, infrastructure, energy, education, innovation, R&D, revi-                                                                     the impact of the Coronavirus on our economy.

                                          talization, healthcare and cultural improvements.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EFFECT OF THE EU FUNDS INVESTMENTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        IN THE YEARS


                               120                                                                             10                                                                         12                                                                            5                                                               1,5

                                        THOUSAND                                                                 THOUSAND                                                                 THOUSAND                                                                  THOUSAND                                                       MILLION CITIZENS

                                      enterprises                                                R&D works and projects                                                        product innovations                                                                     routes                                                           covered by

                                        supported                                                               carried out                                                                 realized                                                     built and renovated                                                       health program

                                                                                                                 support for thousands of projects based on cooperation between

                                                                                                                                     research centers and members of the business community
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