Page 10 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 10

The Polish Microelectronics and Photonics Industry

          Due  to  mul ple  technological  and  business  links  the  microelectronics  and
          photonics in Poland is considered one wide industrial ecosystem. This is reflected
          in the name of the main research ins tute in this field: The Łukasiewicz-Ins tute of
          Microelectronics and Photonics, but most of all it is visible in the ever increasing
          coopera on between the companies opera ng on the market.

          There are approx. 300 companies in Poland in the area of microelectronics  and
          photonics, with 90% of them being small and medium sized private enterprises.
          The  Polish  microelectronics  and  photonics  industry manufactures  materials,
          components, devices, systems and applica ons. The industry is mostly export-
          oriented,  with  The  Top  3  markets  being:  Europe,  USA  &  Canada,  Asia  (excl.
          con nental China).

                             Main products and services:

                             ź     IC and Photonic IC (PIC) design-services
                             ź     Compound semiconductor materials (GaN, SiC, III-V)
                             ź     OLED and PV materials, quantum dots
                             ź     Graphene and photonics crystals
                             ź     IR detectors & modules, quantum cascade lasers
                             ź     Computer memory
                             ź     Industrial femtosecond lasers
                             ź     Printable semiconductors systems and materials
                             ź     Optical metrology devices and systems
                             ź     Special applications optics, thin film coatings
                             ź     Specialty optical fibres

                             The Polish microelectronics and photonics industry has 4
                             strong development drivers:

                             ź     strong talent base
                             ź     successful industry & academia collaboration
                             ź     commitment to quality
                             ź     long-term business links with international partners.

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