Page 15 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 15

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                          Organizers of Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:          Polish Investment
                               and Trade Agency
          WEBSITE :      
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Export and investment consultancy, partnership.
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:          We  offer  comprehensive  services  for  entrepreneurs,  combining
                               industry  competences  with  interna onal  experience.   We  help
                               entrepreneurs  select  their  op mal  foreign  expansion  path,
                               overcoming  administra ve  procedures  for  specific  projects,  the
                               development of legal solu ons, finding a suitable loca on as well
                               as reliable partners and suppliers.

                                      We are a leader in export and investment consultancy,
                                      opera ng on dozens of markets around the world. As
                                      the first contact point it is a partner for entrepreneurs on
                                      the domes c and foreign markets.

                                        PAIH's mission is to increase the inflow of foreign direct
                                      investments  to  Poland,  as  well  as  suppor ng  the
                                      interna onaliza on  of  Polish  companies.  We  operate
                                      both in Poland and through our Foreign Trade Offices
                                      (ZBH) abroad.

                                          We are commi ed to promo ng Poland and the Polish
                                      economy. We aim to increase the awareness of Polish
                                      brands on interna onal markets. We promote na onal
                                      products  and  services,  as  well  as  Polish  innova ve
                                      informa on technology.

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