Page 19 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 19

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:              ENSEMBLE3
          WEBSITE :          
          BUSINESS PROFILE:            Microelectronics, photonics
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:                AIIIBV single crystals: GaAs, InAs, GaP, InP, GaSb. Other materials: SiC,
                               Bi2Te3,  Bi2Se3,  BTS,  BST.  Oxides:  Y3Al5O12,  Lu3Al5O12,  LuAP,
                               Gd3Al2Ga3O12,  YAlO3,  GdCa4O(BO3)3,  YVO4,  Yb:  CALGO,  TSAG,
                               MALO, YAG: V3+, YAG: Cr4+, YAG: Co2+

                                      ENSEMBLE3  LLC  is  a  newly  established  Centre  of
                                      Excellence in nanophotonics, advanced materials and
                                      technologies  based  on  crystal  growth.  The  Centre
                                      works  in  coopera on  with  renowned  na onal  and
                                      interna onal scien fic ins tu ons.
                                      ENSEMBLE3  works  on  the  development  of  new
                                      material  technologies  and  advanced  materials  with
                                      excep onal  electromagne c  proper es  that  can  be
                                      applied  in  areas  such  as  photonics,  optoelectronics,
                                      telecommunica ons,  solar  energy  conversion,
                                      medicine, aeronau cs, security and defense.

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