Page 18 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 18

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:        AIUT
          WEBSITE :  
          BUSINESS PROFILE:        Robo cs and automa on
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on, Joint Venture
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:      Automated,  robo c  worksta ons  and  produc on  lines,  Designing
                               and  turn-key  execu on  of  electrical  works,  automa on,  and
                               produc on management systems, Process engineering, Electronic
                               design  and  manufacturing,  Automated  intralogis cs  solu ons,
                               Mobile robots and intralogis cs management systems

                                      AIUT  is  a  private  Polish  company  and  the  largest
                                      integrator of industrial automa on systems in Poland.
                                      With over 30 years of experience and a team of over
                                      700  engineers,  AIUT  delivers  innova ve  automa on
                                      and  robo za on  solu ons  globally.  The  company
                                      specializes  in  manufacturing  processes,  IT,  and  the
                                      Industrial  Internet of  Things  (IIoT).  AIUT  operates  in
                                      over 70 countries, equipping warehouses and logis cs
                                      centres with automated storage, sor ng, picking, and
                                      transporta on systems. Their intelligent intralogis cs
                                      system,  Qursor,  manages  logis cs  and  supervises
                                      AFORMIC  F  series  robots,  complemented  by  the
                                      Romotus system for resource localiza on and real- me

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