Page 20 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 20

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:            Fluence Technology
          WEBSITE :            h ps://
          BUSINESS PROFILE:            Laser manufacturer, laser micromachining
                               implementa on services
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on, investment, Joint Venture
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:      Fluence  Technology  offers  advanced  femtosecond  lasers,  all
                               featuring fast warm-up, long-term stability, with an all-fiber SESAM-
                               free oscillator. Jasper X0 and Jasper Flex are perfect for high-power
                               microprocessing with configurable burst mode, while the compact,
                               cost-effec ve Jasper Micro is ideal for OEM applica ons

                                      Fluence Technology excels in developing and producing
                                      femtosecond  lasers  with  a  unique  all-fiber  design,
                                      ensuring  excep onal  stability  and  performance  for
                                      industrial applica ons. With a marked presence in the
                                      industry, Fluence has cra ed fiber-based femtosecond
                                      lasers renowned for their oscillator stability, supported
                                      by the industry's first 5-year warranty.
                                      Priori zing  quality  and  performance,  Fluence's  lasers
                                      are widely used in consumer electronics, semiconductor
                                      manufacturing, and display produc on. Their products
                                      are distributed in over 20 countries, showcasing their
                                      global impact and reliability.

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