Page 26 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 26

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:                XTPL
          WEBSITE :              
          BUSINESS PROFILE:            Microelectronics
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:      Delta  Prin ng  System,  Ultra  Precise  Dispensing  System,
                               Nonopar cles-based  conduc ve  materials:  silver  nanoinks  and
                               pastes, gold paste

                                      XTPL is a provider of dispensing technology and High
                                      Performance  Materials  for  microelectronics.  The
                                      company  offers  patented  Ultra-Precise  Dispensing
                                      (UPD) technology for prin ng conduc ve or insula ve
                                      structures on various surfaces.
                                      Our products: Delta Prin ng System for prototyping and
                                      low scale produc on, as well as our UPD SYSTEM for
                                      industrial  integra on  ensure  scalability,  cost-
                                      effec veness,  and  precision  in  the  range  of  0.50-10
                                      micrometers.  XTPL  also  offers  a  line  of  silver  based
                                      conduc ve inks and pastes, both off-shelf products and
                                      tailor-made  solu ons.  Primarily  serving  the  OLED,
                                      MicroLED, and semiconductor industries, XTPL supports
                                      innova on and advanced component manufacturing.

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