Page 22 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 22

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:        Instytut Fotonowy
          WEBSITE :          
          BUSINESS PROFILE:            Photonics
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on, Joint Venture
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:                Kelvin  Probe  for  work  func on  and  surface  photo-voltage
                               measurements, Photovoltaic spectrometer for full characteriza on
                               of  cells  for  solar  panels,  DSLA  for  contactless  determina on  of
                               defects in silicon wafers (in development)

                                      We  develop,  design,  manufacture  and  distribute
                                      worldwide  scien fic  and  industrial  grade  measuring

                                      Some of them are used for semiconductor proper es
                                      characteriza on.  We  are  a  leading  force  in  areas  of
                                      photo-electro-chemistry  and  in  quantum  efficiency
                                      measurements of materials for solar panels. We are
                                      also a rising force in work func on measurements.
                                      Currently we are developing a Defect Specific Life me
                                      Analyzer (DSLA) that is designed to solve the problem of
                                      in-line silicon wafer quality control. If successful, the
                                      device will help improve yield in semiconductor fabs
                                      that  employ  the  most  advanced  manufacturing

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