Page 24 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 24

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:        Saule Technologies
          WEBSITE :          
          BUSINESS PROFILE:            Photovoltaics
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on, Joint Venture, Investment
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:      Flexible and lightweight and customizable in terms of shape, size and
                               finish perovskite power cells for indoor applica on (IoT/Consumer
                               electronis). Flexible and lightweight and customizable in terms of
                               shape, size and finish perovskite power cells for outdoor applica on
                               (Automo ve, BIPV, BAPV)

                                      Saule Technologies is a pioneer in the development and
                                      manufacturing of thin and flexible solar cells that can
                                      generate  energy  not  only  from  sunlight,  but  from
                                      ar ficial  light,  too.  Our  mission  is  to  change  the
                                      approach  to  solar  energy  produc on  and  make  it
                                      accessible  anywhere  on  Earth  and  beyond  and  to
                                      everyone.  Our  solu on  is  perovskites -  one  of  the
                                      biggest sensa ons in contemporary science. The high
                                      crystalline quality of thin layers of this material can be
                                      produced  using  a  simple  and  cost-effec ve  solu on
                                      deposi on  technique  at  low  temperatures  and  on
                                      flexible substrates. This breakthrough offers a whole
                                      new range of possibili es in the large-scale u liza on
                                      of photovoltaics.

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