Page 21 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 21

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:        Insop cs
          WEBSITE :            www.insop
          BUSINESS PROFILE:        Spectroscopy devices
          FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on
          PRODUCTS / SERVICES:      Op cal Monitors; Plasma Emission Monitors; End Point Monitors;
                               Unpa erned wafer inspec on

                                      Insop cs works in the field of spectroscopy devices,
                                      serving a variety of plasma and evapora on processes.
                                      Our  exper se  encompasses  thin  film  deposi on,
                                      plasma  etching,  PECVD,  and  atmospheric  plasma,
                                      among  other  things.  The  company's  product  line
                                      includes Op cal Monitors, Plasma Emission Monitors,
                                      and End Point Monitors, all designed to enhance the
                                      precision and efficiency of wafer inspec on and other
                                      related procedures. With a commitment to innova on
                                      and quality, Insop cs provides cu ng-edge solu ons
                                      for the high-tech demands of the industry.

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