Page 23 - Poland’s National Pavilion - SEMICON Taiwan 2024
P. 23

Poland’s Na onal Pavilion                    Companies at Poland’s Na onal Pavilion

          COMPANY NAME:                QNA Technology
         WEBSITE :           
         BUSINESS PROFILE:            Semiconduc ng nanomaterials
         FORM OF COOPERATION:     Interna onal trade and distribu on, Joint Venture, commercial
                               R&D services, investment
         PRODUCTS / SERVICES:      PureBlue.dots -  semiconduc ng  heavy  metals  free  nanomaterials
                               (quantum  dots)  emi ng  blue  light  for  displays  and  ligh ng
                               applica ons.  UV  curable  inks  and  photoresists  based  on
                               PureBlue.dots.  Service:  nanomaterials  modifica ons,  inks&resist
                               formula on, nanomaterials purifica on

                                      QNA Technology is developing technology&synthesis of
                                      semiconduc ng nanomaterials, doing modifica ons to
                                      transfer to various solvents (polar, nonpolar, monomers)
                                      &  formula ng  inks  to  enable  clients  to  print
                                      semiconductors on various substrates (glass, foil, paper
                                      etc.) with various types of printers.
                                      Our flagship material is blue light emi ng quantum dots
                                      (QDs), which are free of heavy metals. This kind of QDs is
                                      the most challenging type of QDs and which can find use
                                      mainly in the display industry both as photoluminescent
                                      & electroluminescent material.
                                      We cooperate with companies in Japan, China, the US,
                                      the EU and Taiwan.

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